Leadership structure explained Below:

1. ADVISORY BOARD: The advisory Board comprises of external members who advise and provide guidance the executive team on matters of church leadership and governance, Members of this board are not congregants of Rivers of Life worship Ministry. This board has five members

2. EXECUTIVE BOARD: The executive board is made of the the highest decision making stakeholders of the ministry, This board is tasked to formulate overall sructure and oversee overall leadership and church Governance. The board has nine members

3. REGIONAL PASTRAL COMMITTEE: This committee is comprised of the Pastors assigned to branches and the team is headed by the Senior Pastor. This committee, works closely with The other pastors who form the overall pastral team and and also works closely with the decons and the deconesses

4. ADMINISTRATION: The Administration is responsible for the supervision of all the day to day running of the administrative duties and tasks of the church. The development team and the finance team work closely with the administraive department

5. CHURCH COUNCIL: The church council is comprised of the departmental leads and the ministery heads, also in this council are representatives from the executive board, the administration and the Pastral team

All the boards, committees and the council works in harmony and consultation to propel the ministry to the next level.